At Treeline we have three simple beliefs: 
Food must taste good • Food must be good for you • Food must do good

That’s why we’ve stuck to a simple formula for more than ten years - use naturally fermented clean ingredients, keep the saturated fat low, source everything responsibly and extend a helping hand wherever we can.

Food Must Taste Good 

  • First and foremost, we love food. If we don't love something we make, we won't try and sell it to you.
  • Taste is front and center at Treeline. We don’t believe in imitating dairy cheeses - we believe in making them better!
  • Our cheeses will never be bland characterless apologies for veganism - they are bold, tasty and proud expressions of the art and craft of cheesemaking.
  • We make our cheeses in a kitchen, not a science lab - from real simple ingredients - starting with top quality cashews, fermented using traditional techniques. This is what gives them their unique creamy textures and authentic flavors.
toast with vegan cheese and tomatoes

Food Must be Good for You

  • We don’t believe we should pollute our bodies or yours.
  • We make our cheeses out of cashew nuts because they are very very good for you. They are low in saturated fat, high in protein and are full of important nutrients.
  • We think we should easily recognize and pronounce the names of the foods we are eating. So our ingredient lists are short, familiar and pronounceable.
  • Vegan food should be healthy. Some vegan cheeses have alarmingly high levels of saturated fat and just about zero protein. Our cheeses have plenty of protein and less than half the saturated fat many non-dairy cheeses that rely on oils as well as similar dairy cheeses. For more information on the danger of high saturated fat oils, you can read more here.
  • Many of our cheeses have no added oils. When we do add oil, we use heart healthy high oleic expeller pressed sunflower oil - one of the healthiest and most sustainable oils on the planet. High in omega 3's, it actually fights inflammation.
  • A good balance of bacteria being essential to good gut health, all our cheeses are cultured with live probiotic cultures.
  • Our cheeses are always 100% vegan so they are free from lactose, casein, and the hormones found in animal milk.
  • All our cheeses are free from gluten and soy and we do not use peanuts.
  • Because we have our own manufacturing facility, we can control what comes in. We do not allow any of the major allergens like dairy, peanuts, eggs, shellfish, gluten, soy or sesame. We do use treenuts.
a chart showing saturated fat content of different vegan cheeses

Food Must Do Good 

  • We believe that, as human beings with the gift of rationality and compassion, we all have a responsibility to help make the world a better place. No matter who we are, we can do a lot by just being mindful and compassionate in the many tiny, daily decisions we make (and the big ones too).
  • Treeline was founded on the belief that our relationships with human and non-human animals should be loving - not cruel or exploitative.
  • We believe that there is no such thing as "humane dairy." The economics of dairy production mean that 100% of non-productive animals are killed, including male calves and females who can no longer produce enough milk.
  • Being vegan is not enough - our compassion must extend to all aspects of our lives - the earth, its inhabitants and ourselves. We must always do good by our fellow human beings. That’s why we source our cashews responsibly - from producers who treat their workers the way we treat ours - with the dignity and respect they deserve.
  • We believe that vegan food producers have a responsibility to treat the planet with respect. Where ingredients come from and how they get to us are as important as what they are. That’s why our cashews come from renewable sources as close to the United States as possible, where cashews are processed by local inhabitants and shipped directly to East Coast ports, rather than being shipped halfway around the world to other countries for cheap processing before being shipped to us. This means our cashews are exclusively sourced from Brazil and Cote d’Ivoire.
  • Doing the right thing sometimes costs more. Cheap always comes at a cost to someone. In the long run cheap often ends up being more expensive.
  • Extending a helping hand is a key aspect of our mission. That's why we support a variety of charities that help human and non-human animals in meaningful ways. We invite you to join us in supporting these amazing organizations. They range from animal advocacy and rescue to running soup kitchens (serving vegan food) for the poorest of the poor.
pictures of a nursing calf and cow, and a goat laying on a bed of straw